Pixel H

By PixelH


I'm in Cambridge just now. For work. Its a bit strange. In fact its a lot strange. Leaving home at the age of late twenty something or other, leaving MrTSN and my garden, and my barbeque and friends and my kittens.....to start a new job. I miss them all so much. But actually this day was the strangest of all. Stranger in a strange place where everyone seemed to know each other bar me. I was wandering aimlessly, wondering what to do. I decided to take refuge from it all in a lovely church and decided to get the camera out. Sitting in this beautiful church in the back pew listening to the choir and trying very subtly not to noticably take pictures I found I was joined by another person with a camera. I realised that there were loads of us sitting in the church, all trying to capture a moment. And after that, I didn't feel so strange. I had a purpose there. I was no longer wandering aimlessly. I was capturing moments. I was blipping.

Thanks MrTSN for my wonderful camera and thanks Treegonk, for my intro into blip moments.

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