Over the 'edge

Roz was out in the garden on the trampoline with Chloe and Sam after I blipped yesterday when she heard Ken from next door saying:

"How do you spell your Roz?"

She replied

"Is that for the ASBO?"

Which got a laugh. Thankfully it wasn't for the ASBO, but for Ken to sign a copy of his new book which he passed accross the hedge to her. I'm delighted as I have some holiday reading for when we go away but I had nothing to read from now until then. I'd take this on holiday but since I have signed first editions of all his books I'd be worried about damaging it. Plus, call me sad but, there's something quite exciting about ythe prospect of finishing it before it is actually released.

So far I can confirm that the first chapter is up to his usual high standard.

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