The Light Chaser

By TheVisualArtist

Just Waiting

It seems to be an oxymoron: hurry up and wait. It would appear that the two actions are contradictory. But I contend that they go together like friends and good food. Often times it feels like waiting is a non-action: like you're not doing anything or like nothing is happening. But when a life-change is taking place, rushing the process is equal to aborting your next move. Sometimes, you just have to wait. This period of time deals with the inside of us: our mental, spiritual and emotional preparation.

So during this time of Newness as this year takes shape and as things and people get off to a Jack Rabbit start, don't be afraid to wait. When you wait, you are actually hoping and hope is what drives Faith. Finally, when you wait several things happen to you: your strength is renewed, your perspective is enhanced, your endurance is increased and your patience is enlarged. This is your Life; and this is what your Life looks like on Faith. Wait for it... wait. NOW! Go.

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