little by little.

By auldlangsyne

Unproductive Day

So, was all set today for a really productive day: babysitting (ie. watching kids films at the cinema...) in the morning, then home for lunch then get a full day of studying in and hopefully go out for a photography walk too. And what did I do? Sat on the computer, ate, slept, watched TV, found school books and opened them. Still did no work. Oops. Did get to go see Lion King though (Smurfs was sold out...) at the cinema, emotional!

And on another note, I finally ordered myself a new camera! Canon 500D with a kit lens for £330 refurbished, very excited. Got a SLR-zoom gorillapod with the ball head too, all set for new photography adventures. Belated happy birthday to me! :D

But yeah, was about 11pm and it was a choice between blipping some photos of the cardboard muppets from this morning, or finding something in the house since it was too late to go out, so I got this bracelet (wanted to do something with water drops but too much effort... I'll wait until I have the new camera!)

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