The Wheaton Clan

By MummyKat

A productive day

Today was one of those Saturday's where your get enough stuff done to feel satisfied that you haven't wasted a day off yet get enough time to relax.
It started with lil man padding across the landing and doing his usual at the stair-gate: 'Mummeeeeee!' Luckily, Daddy decided to give Mummy a lie in so he got up and took him down stairs for brekkie!
I then sent the boys out to a Saturday morning playgroup 'Artybobs' whilst I did the housework, put dinner in the slow cooker ad had my brekkie. Once the boys came back, I went to my first Aqua-aerobics class which my friend is running- I had mixed feelings about going to it but it was great fun & I felt refreshed after the class.
Came home and had lunch then went into town with lil man for a walk.
I then made some early Valentines Day cupcakes so I could take some piccies of them to post on my website- I'm in the process of setting up a cake business- see my pic of the day!
Finally, had dinner, put a sleepy lil man to bed then snuggled up on the sofa with t'hubby and watched some TV.
A really nice day! How did everyone else's Saturday go? X

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