'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Stop 'Blipping' around and throw the ball!

Title says it all really! Millie has got a bit fed up with me lately, instead of throwing the ball I am too busy searching for possible blips! She got her revenge by disappearing into the brambles twice, refusing to come out! I did panic but have to remember she is a terrier! I thought I owed her a whole afternoon of ball throwing and to feature in today's blip! I think I am forgiven - if not a bit of roast pork might do the trick!

I chose the selective colour because it just seemed to stand out better!

Tonight is a very early night for me, as I will be getting up at 4am to be ready to meet KS2 children and staff at 5.15am at school. Why? We are off to the Imperial War Museum, London for the day, as part of this term's topic - 'Back to the Future'. No mean feat for a little village school in the middle of South Devon! Madness? No, just ambitious and hate the fact that we miss out on all that London can offer by being so far away! Loved all my London trips as a child. It will be a late Blip tomorrow and I am not sure of what or the quality! ;-)

Three beautiful things

Watching a wide variety of birds have a bit of a 'Garden party'! They are loving the fruit and nuts, now to try and get a good photo!

The squirrel scampering across the trees.

The smell of my roast dinner (Pork) cooking away in the oven and the promise of a decent crunch of crackling!

One thing to be grateful for;
Sunny winter days - you feel so much more motivated!

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