
By soulsharer

Its all in the mind

Well actually its also a little in the legs with a bit in the lungs methinks...

I will be 35 in may, Joel my son will be 1 in June, I want to get fit for both of us when he's older i want to be able to run around and play with him, play football, go on bike rides etc..

I was quite fit as a kid, played a lot of football, did a lot of running about and bike riding, in general i just burned of energy like most kids do..

I played badminton up until Joel was born but cant find the time for this at the moment So i thought to myself, i want to run a half marathon by the end of the year hahahahaha (don't laugh so hard please!!)

anyway, running or maybe in my case jogging i thought would be the best way to get fit, do it as and when i get the time and its free!!!

Last week i started, i ran my first 1 mile run in 7min 25 sec.
my second was 2 days later and the time was 6min 58 sec

Today i went for my first 2 mile run - and was happy with my time of 16min 56sec (it was bloody cold)

For me i could have stopped half way through all these runs but for once in my life I'm determined to stay strong mentally..

This year i plan on changing quite a few things..

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