Another Languedoc year...

By SweetApricots

Oyster boats

This morning five of us went off to the flea market in Marseillan. It's a huge affair with 95% utter tat. However we all found some things we were pleased with. I'll blip my finds tomorrow.

After lunch at our favourite restaurant, La Ferme Marine in Marseillan, we took a walk along the inside of the lagoon. This is where the luscious oysters are raised. You can just see the oyster beds in the photo. These flat bottomed boats go out to collect the oysters and other shellfish before the crustacea are brought in along these rails.

The shelfish are then cleaned and packed ready to go off to shops and restaurants. Many of the oyster farmers have their own restaurants, so you really can't find anything fresher.

As you can see it was the perfect mild winter day with the softest sunshine and no wind. The sea was like clear glass. Poor us eh?!

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