The Wren

By TheWren


It was another very cold night and morning but possibly as it has been so dry recently - can't believe I'm able to say that! - the amount of ground frost was minimal.

Again wrapping up warmly in layers - and with my headband and hat at the ready to cosset my ears - I set off with Cara and Bruce to try out a new walk for us, up a local hill at the top of which is positioned the TV mast for the area, so that in itself tells you that is quite high up. The path has recently been vastly improved, probably with the aim of facilitating access for forestry vehicles, and is now good enough for mountain bikers as well as walkers. Mature pine trees and larches line the route but every now and then gaps appear and the views across the surrounding valleys are pretty impressive. The views would have certainly been improved if the sky had been blue and the sun had been out to cast shadows, but at least it was dry and visibility was fair. At one point Cara darted off and was away for a good twenty minutes - which is a long time for her to be AWOL - and when she eventually responded to the whistle and appeared crashing through the trees she was absolutely exhausted and lay down to cool off in a really small burn which immediately turned to mud! I think she had spotted a deer and had given chase and lost.

This blip is looking north west and down past the pine and larch forest probably toward Glen Lednock and Loch Tay, with the distant hills holding onto patches of snow being Ben Lawyers and possibly Meail Garbh, both being Munros and over 3,000 feet. Loch Tay would be lying along the line of the hills, east to west, just in front of the final layer of the Lawyers range. By this time it had become really very cold and frost was settling onto the heathers and bracken and the air was crisp. I just love the blueness and misty depth the cold air has given to the different layers of hills against the foreground of the burnt sienna of the winter bracken.

Needless to say, when we returned home I had to get a basin of warm soapy water out to give Cara a good clean before she could be allowed beyond the Utility room and into the house. It was quite funny because as I was trying to get her feet into the water to clean them, Bruce sat beside us looking as if his halo would slip it was so shiny! They have both now been fed and are out for the count so I can concentrate on blip in peace.

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