A Year Through My Eyes

By egbaldwin



Today was a day that....well none of us really knew how it was going to turn out. My sister had organised a family reunion of sorts and accidently ruffled a few feathers in doing so. (We were never going to please everyone)

Now just under a year ago my grandmother was diagnosed with the dreaded big C. At the point of diagnosis... It hit the family hard and nobody quite knew how to react as we hadnt had something like this strike the family in some years (thankfully) It was a tough fight she had ahead and she looked the big C straight down the barrel and told it to jog on. With very intrusive surgery and chemo, shes not 100% out the woods as you never really are and certainly not this soon after the event.....but without the fight she wouldnt have been here today and as you can see for yourselves....shes looking pretty damn good if I do say so myself.

With love x

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