Why not us?

By bigbird

Fuel on a Fire

That's exactly what's happening in this picture. What else were we supposed to do with half a bag of charcoal and the end of the lighter fluid after our last cookout. The stream on the right side is actually the lighter fluid being poured on there. Great last cookout, despite the rain. But it did hold off for long enough.

It was sad to say goodbye to everyone. Upon my return from Hamburg, I met with Dan, Britni, and Kevin at Alexanderplatz, with the intention of going up into the Fernsehturm, but this got delayed a while. There was an art thing on Alexanderplatz, and there was chalk everywhere for people to draw with. We did this for a while, and did make it up the Fernsehturm eventually. Once up there, we decided we should have drawn something to see from the top. Which is where Blazar and Britni's came from today. Unfortunately my camera battery was dead, but they did a good job capturing it.

One last day in Berlin tomorrow, which will be spent mostly working, but breaks to eat dinner with my host family and to go to one last Mauerpark flea market. I can't be here on a Sunday and not, right? Packing is mostly done, but the cleanup will be another story. More to come, wish me luck!

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