Mr Smith

By MrSmith

These are a few of my favourite things.

Had to clear some work away first thing this morning. A by product of spending Friday afternoon in the pub.

My desk at home is strewn with papers and all sorts of things the kids have made but in the corner is a John Bellany painting that Mrs Smith bought me and a Liverpool Echo flag.

They are both very important to me and both make me very happy.

John Bellany was born a few miles away in Port Seton and is my favourite artist and Liverpool are the team I started watching every week at Anfield when I was about ten years old. So, it's kind of yesterday and today summed up for me.

The flag also reminds me of a wonderful, amazing night in May 2005 in the company of a couple of other Liverpudlian blippers when LFC won the Big Cup against all the odds. I took my wee plastic flag all the way from NZ bar back to Lark Lane (via gardens, gutters and walls) and then brought it home where it's resided ever since. Makes me smile every day!

Popping back to Liverpool today, wahey!

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