Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Bud 'n' Carl

The local photography club held a portrait night lastnight only for the "models" not being able to make it. So I'll introduce you to Bud 'n' Carl.

It was an interesting evening getting to know more people and their works.

This was shot in RAW using an R72 Infrared Filter. This was my first proper attampt at IR tungsten light shooting as I am used to doing IR stuff in the sun (the common way). After several attempts at guessing the exposure/ISO through trial & error I finally captured a decent enough shot. This was also developed into bw using a red filter.

With the shot above I went one step further by de-focusing 2/3rd of the way through the 30s exposure To give it a soft dreamy effect*.

* I can only presume that this is what it looks like after having more than a few Buds!

Shot at F2.8

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