blipping from the edge

By neurotic

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A girl I know and love, only 16, has been in hospital since October.

She is very sick, and we almost lost her. Her illness a terrible one: Anorexia.

She is a very bright kid. Straight As in school. Sporty, popular and very pretty.

She was a bit of a tomboy and a very happy child.

Then, two years ago both her parents started on a diet. And she went on it too. She dropped a bit of weight, started dressing more like a girl and got lots of praise for it.

Now she is in hospital. She can't do any sport. She is not going to school. She almost died.

Isn't it crazy that women, specially young, vulnerable ones feel like they have to conform to exacting ideals of beauty?

I think it is very sad. And outrageous.

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