It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Peace and quiet

That is what we need in our house at the moment.

Mum seems to have turned a little corner and finally keeping food in but poor old daddy has the flu :-( and not man flu, REAL flu. Mum has been looking after him yesterday and today even though she still feels like she is about 90!! (She looks it too!)

I, however, am FINE! I don't know what all the fuss is about. I snuck upstairs earlier and jumped all over daddy in bed *giggle* Mum has taken me to the cricket field twice today, she was wrapped up from head to foot in the most ridiculous amount of clothes, it was quite embarrassing. Even the ladies that we talk too at the field laughed at mum! They soon sympathsised when she told them everything though.

I have been very good and behaving myself believe it or not. The only thing that happened was that I forgot I'm not allowed in the cat litter so I dragged a load out and took the newspaper lining to show mum.................

I'm sorry this isn't a picture of me. Mum isn't up to dealing with me off the lead and the camera at the same time yet, but we drove home from the cricket pitch past the seafront just as the sun was setting. I hope you like it.

Thank you for continuing to look at my journal, even though it is really boring at the moment and mum hasn't been up to helping me respond to your comments. We do appreciate each and every one though.

Sending lots of love
Lily xxx

ps the pic might be better in large

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