A confused genius

By Lez11

Team brief is the epitome of hell

Not a lot to report today. I spent the first half of the day wasting 4 hours of my life sitting in team brief drooling like a docile dog. Every 4 weeks I have to sit through this drivel and corporate bulls**t. At times I wonder what's worse, team brief, becoming a vegetarian (no offence to vegetarians but I couldn't survive with out meat) or watching Gok Wan 24/7.

I did go for my 6 month eye check up following laser eye surgery I had back in June last year. I can honestly say its one of the best things I have ever had done and spent my money on. I was long sighted in one eye and short sighted in the other eye. I only required laser surgery on my short sighted eye to adjust it to the same level as my other eye. My check up confirmed that the surgery was successful and my eye sight is now perfect.

Went to the gym again tonight and now I'm watching stargazing before I have an early night. This because I've got to be up at 5.30am to go to Blackburn for a site induction and a safety inspection on one of my projects.

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