
Remember the chain that I mentioned yesterday? The one that I speculated was a cheap piece of shit (sold to me by Sandy Wallace of Inverkeithing, making that their last sale to me) that would need to be replaced before it snapped? A quick inspection before tightening it this morning to go to work revealed - yes, of course, it had already snapped. One plate on the left side, which meant that when the stroke of the pedal coincided with the coming onto the chain ring there was just enough deflection in the bike and twist in the chain to allow the chain to slip off the chain ring. Ah well, at least I didn't discover it the hard way on the A8 heading into town.

That meant another visit to Alipne bikes to get a new chain. At least this one is a decent make (SRAM) and intended for single speed bikes. Unlike the last one even though the SRAM one is the same price as the broken one.

Ewan got his proper Tae Kwon Do outfit tonight. It's like a big dress on him and the belt goes round his waist three times. But he's happy, even though I told him he needs to stick with it until he's a black belt now that we've bought the uniform.

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