
By Juli

Credit where credit's not due!

Firstly, I need to point out a couple of three things.

1. I don't believe in false modesty. If I am good at something/deserve something I will happily say so and expect others to do the same. After all, what's the point in hiding your talents if they can be used to help someone else, and vice versa?

2. I never fish for compliments. If I say I'm rubbish at something, then that's because I am!

3. I am not (contrary to popular belief) a show-off. If I mention something good that happened to me, it's normally out of sheer amazement (and perhaps even downright puzzlement!) as to how I managed it. Personally, I think I suffer from a severe inferiority complex but no-one ever believes me (see, there it is!). As I've got older I've not become more confident, I think I've simply learned not to care if I'm inferior, if that makes sense!

So, having got that out of the way, a funny thing happened today...

I went along to a 'Thank You' lunch for the volunteers at Wakehurst and, as expected, there was a great turnout - everyone is really terrific there and they do make a big effort to bring the paid employees and volunteers together, from all the different departments, so you never feel isolated or unappreciated. I've always found it a very friendly place.

After we had a buffet, the head of Wakehurst started his speech. Straight away he asked if 'Julia' was there but I didn't realise at first he meant me! Next thing I know, I was the first (and only) volunteer he called up in front of everyone to thank for their contribution over the past year, specifically for my pointing, which some of you may remember. I was gob-smacked. Especially as I really hadn't done anything special, there were lots of other people involved, and I've only been there five minutes compared to some volunteers who have given up their time for twenty years. I was honestly horrified that I was about to get some sort of very-not-deserved 'Volunteer of the Year' award! Anyway, thankfully that didn't happen and he did include the names of many other volunteers throughout his speech so I didn't feel too awkward afterwards. And I had a lot of people ask if I was available to repoint their patios and chimneys!

So, there you go! What a funny day - I just love being part of that place.

Ooh, nearly forgot... these are some of the zillions of cyclamen now emerging through the leaf litter at Wakehurst. :-)

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