Dogs Days


North Berwick Law

Well its been so cold and frosty today that I haven't ventured far from my fire. That was until I was offered a short trip in my pick up and a walk somewhere different with my friends. This is North Berwick Law and I just thought what a great picture it would make. Don't want to bore you with my journal by only taking pictures of hounds. I also want to be able to educate you all a little. Do you know that there is a local ancient story that I was told that says that when the trees at the bottom of the law, thats the ones on the right of the picture, when the last one falls, Scotland will again be an independent nation. How's that for a topical subject. I can read newspapers and watch the news too you know.
Luv Ginnie XX
Ps I hate being cold but I never have to get my feet washed when its frosty.

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