The thing

that keeps tempting me out into sub-zero temperatures.

Darn it!

Not managed to do any decent imaging as I made a fundamentally error which stopped the scope from tracking accurately...didn't discover my mistake until I took the scope down to put away in shed 2.

Everytime I use it I learn something, usually by making a mistake. Given that I have only had the scope for 6 months and in that time have only had about a dozen decent nights that the cloud held off long enough for me to align and start to look, I think I am making progress.

I need to by salopettes and some super duper warm socks.

Am frozzed.

Thank you all for your support with regards to psycho-parent yesterday. Was still quite angry about it all this morning. However, James' school rang me to reassure me that James hadn't done anything wrong (as I thought) and to reassure me that they would be speaking to the parent tomorrow and making it clear that his behaviour was not acceptable. I have asked the school to pass on from me that if he sets foot on our property or chooses to challenge me, Corin or James in such a fashion as he did yesterday, I will contact the police.

Warning - a rant follows:

The word Satisfactory has officially been removed from the dictionary. You're either rubbish or your good. C'est la vie!
I guess if I loved my job, I'd still be at work at this silly time as well.
Ah, but I wouldn't because they are scrapping ICT in schools apparently.

Yep, you guessed it - it's been a week of 'special' statements in the press with regard to education. Mis-reported in at least one instance. Does nothing to help us.

However, does pander to an apparent misconception that teachers are glorified babysitters - in response to an online question from my local newspaper, a number of highly educated and extraordinarily literate locals indicated that "Yes, they would like the school day to be longer" because
* it will help working parents with regards to childcare
* it will keep kids off the street stopping them from marauding around and committing heinous crimes
* it will prepare them for the world of work

Without wishing to stereotype the type of person that I think responded I would like to offer my translation of the above responses
* if the kids are in school for longer, I don't have to worry about them, spending my time with them and behaving like a caring, interested parent
* it will keep them off the streets and ....see above....
* apparently...I don't know what work is....the benefits are enough to live on.

Yep. I am an obnoxious cynic.

Children should be allowed to be children. They should be given time to pursue interests and hobbies outside of school time. They should be encouraged to spend time with their families.

Equally, teachers have families, partners, husbands, wives. They have children of their own - which they will see less of, as the school day will be longer, pushing back the essential meetings back, meaning getting home even later and still needing to do all of the other stuff. But, according to a certain minister for Education, if we loved our jobs we would want to work harder, and for longer hours.

Like the national budget and financial planning, something doesn't seem to add up.

Or maybe I am just a lazy, workshy, crap teacher.

Yeah - that would be it.

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