Stargazing live

So this evening I went to Wollaton Hall with some of the other students from the department. We took an inflatable planetarium and were set up to give several shows throughout the night.
We wondered how many people would turn out - we know any mention of astronomy causes the skies to cloud over.
We heard on the grapevine that tickets for the planetarium were being asked about, they were all free but people might not be very interested.

Anyway - people came in at 6, by about 6:15 we'd given out all the tickets until we closed at 9. They have lots of carparking space, but were soon full and had to close the gates. Far more people than anyone expected.

Anyway, here is a group of people in the inflativerse, waiting for the show to start. Someone elses talk, mine was next, and I was getting increasingly nervous, but it went OK for a first attempt I think. I know how I could improve it if I have to do it again.

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