More Than Words



Maxi is the 6th member of our family: a cavoodle. He came from pets as therapy who provide companion dogs to families in need. Initially we had a labrador but Adrian and Brent were very allergic to him and he had to go back ( a very sad day). The labradoodle was first bred for a blind person with allergies: the poodle coat does not shed and reduces the incidence of allergies. The organisation promised to find us a non allergenic dog and along came Maxi. He is a half king charles spaniel and half poodle but he exhibits very little poodle-only his ears ,which are 'frizzy'. Liam has shown no interest in him but Adrian ADORES him and when he comes home, runs in the house to greet Maxi (always ignoring me). Also , we have a dog mad neighbour who dotes on him and will never let him be alone if Brent and I are both at work. He has a lovely temperament and he a wonderful companion.

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