Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Well, I have never done this before ... but I am replacing my original blip image for today. I had blipped Seymour (yes, at the risk of over-exposing him in the media) but then along came a bunch of starlings and I just had to blip them! I was sitting on the sofa, gazing out the window when a starling zoomed up to the bird bath. I barely had time to snatch my camera before there a whole bunch of starlings all custered on the bath trying to drink. This is not a perfect shot, not by a long shot, but I love the action of it. Enjoy! If you want to see the Seymour picks, just visit my flickr stream for the four most recent shots.

My apologies to those who commented already on Seymour! He'll be back, I promise.

Hubs is having surgery this afternoon for a persistent and painful trigger thumb. He is on the mandated fast since last night, so there is a fair amount of whining happening. Out of sympathy, I am not eating anything in front of him. Yea, I'm a great wife, a real giver in fact. I am about to sneak out to the kitchen now for some cereal or maybe a glob of peanut butter... This operation is performed under local anesthesia and should be fairly quick and simple. I'll get him back here this evening so he can convalesce in comfort. Nurse Debbi, at your service...

Happy Humpday, people!

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