The Little Things

By thelittlethings

An Awkward Sky

Stopped into Speedway on the way to meet some friends for The Dark Knight... picked up some pop and candy to sneak in... and was quickly on my way.
Except the feeling I had upon entering the gas station was very different from that on my way out. I was pretty uneasy... the sky was so different than it had been just 2 minutes before and was a color it never seems to be. It seemed the wind had picked up a little, as well. I don't know, it was just really eerie to me. I drove to the theater and the sky had started to look much more normal again, but then everything seemed to be almost the same color. I took this picture.

The movie was very well done. Can't say I'm big on guns and all the violence... but I still liked it. Heath did a great job, too. He didn't look very recognizable to me from the previews, but it's loud and clear him when you see the movie. I miss him. He was great. Sad Story.

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