My quiet space

By JuliaS did what to the biscuits......?

Hari seems to be back on top of things, although he's not back to himself fully. He is still quite clingy and getting unreasonably upset over the slightest thing.

We had quite a busy day today, running errands and had to repair the shower hose and buy a replacement microwave. I had a quick walk round the shops and managed to get some real bargains for the kids in Clarks - shoes and boots to put away to be grown into ..... provided I remember I have them!!!!

I took this picture of Hari just before he went to bed and had a major tantrum about toy cars...... When I got the camera out he promptly ran away crying 'no mummy, no picture, not fair' ..... he then came back pulled me onto the floor and sat on me so I really couldn't take any more pictures!!

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