clickety click

This is Katie doing complicated things with lots of needles...

I feel very slightly guilty... Katie had knitted herself an iphone cosy which was great, so when I saw it I started behaving like a whiny child saying... I want one... I want one... go on, make me a cosy... Any way the next thing I know, she's on the case... that's my cosy she's knitting and I'm so impressed...

I can't knit... it is my one crafty failure... the tension in the stitches keeps increasing until I'm stabbing at the wool in a psychotic way... I have accepted that there are some things that I should leave to other people...

What a splendid chum she is...

In completely separate news, I saw a fox at Asda this evening... it was too dark to get a decent shot but it was just boldly walking around the petrol station

In other exciting news... my talented cousin Tiff auditioned to be in the opening ceremony of the Olympics and has been accepted, which is fab news and I'm sooo proud : )

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