By stuartare


Popped into the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery ostensibly to see the Staffordshire Hoard, which I had previously caught when it was at the British Museum. I didn't bother picking up a floor plan, and not having been before I wandered around perusing whatever took my interest. I enjoyed the Ten Drawing by Leonardo da Vinci and also the pre-Raphaelite stuff, and the progression of art from the 16th century to modern day. Then I got a bit lost and bored, so the first hint I got of an exit I took.

On the way to Poundland to pick up some cheap film (nothing else I swear) I passed this noisy congregation outside the Town Hall. I later discovered it was something to do with human rights abuses in the Congo, but it was peaceful if a little noisy. I had ventured out mainly to look for something for the latest SPNC instruction but I was armed only with the old 50mm and the fisheye, which weren't conducive to getting a good shot of this crowd, nor, come to think of it, any good representations of lines. I still have a couple of days otherwise I will have to enter something from last week.

a side project from 2006

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