Nothing and Everything

By Gabe

Self Portrait, with Toothpaste

MY CHALLENGE TO YOU: Post a self portrait of your own pulling a face.

As I trudge through everyday life I sometimes find it hard to find inspiration for a decent Blip. What I think I need is a change of scene. That is most certainly what we'll be having very soon. I took a few shots today, but they were all pretty normal stuff. I did see a rather sad potted tree stump that had till recently been a beloved Christmas tree, but I felt that might be a little too depressing.

On to today's. I decided, for lack of subject matter, to take a self portrait. I decided against the usual cliches, no hard lighting from one side, staring deep into the lens (or into the distance for that matter), or a 3/4 turn seeming to be in deep thought. No. I thought I'd capture what I was up to at that moment, brushing my teeth. And to make it more realistic I pulled a funny face, as I usually do when looking at my reflection. Just as well I never take myself seriously.

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