dare to be happy =)

By daretobehappy

The Highway at Night 3

Yes, another one. But it's been a while, I think I'm due for one =P. This one was made because all the ones I was taking were slightly boring, so I figured with the long exposure time, if I shook the camera from side to side it'd come out looking pretty cool, and I think it did =P. I think the main reason I like this one though, is the monochromatism in it.

So today our cousins M, M & M and my aunt came over and we all went to the pool. It was actually a lot of fun, because the little one is so cute, and the oldest one is the coolest cousin. The middle one's cool too haha. Hung out with Katie at the pool too, and chatted with Eric before his tennis started. Sara had softball, and I had cello, so Kevin went over to their house for the evening. Had a lesson (Ron talked for nearly all of it, then worked on excerpts again), then cello choir, which was fun because I got to see people again =). This picture was taken on the way from cello to my aunt's house to pick up Kevin. It was a really hectic, but fun, day =).

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