In Between Days

By jase

Old Things

Kids grow up but there are reminders of how small they once were. It's
probably time to get rid of the trike and the red bug. The trike was
Alana's and then Louis'. I can't see either of them riding it again so
they will probably disappear as part if the planned clear out. Mustn't
get too sentimental now.

I had my eyes tested today. All is well. My vision is pretty much the
same. I have a mild prescription, with my right eye being the better and
pretty much perfect. My close focussing is ok for now. Like all people I
will probably need reading glasses at some point but not just yet. So
why the strained vision the other week. Well spending over eight hours a
day in front of a computer screen without a break could be to blame. So
regular eye breaks and getting away from my desk at lunchtime has been
advised. So all good really. I was dreading wearing glasses in public
for the first time although I've been going over in my head what frames
would suit me. One day but not just yet!

Put the clock up and some shelves in Louis' room. Kids are now watching a
movie together in Alana's room and me and L are watching one
downstairs. Hope they drop off to sleep but I'm half expecting a shout
for a parent anytime now!

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