Roofer-Tinted Spectacles

By rooferspecs

Alien Rock Cake

It was my wonderful David's birthday last week and we had some excellent friends round to make sushi. Unfortunately we were both full of the cold so making a cake didn't seem like a good idea. This afternoon we are heading to his parents' house for the traditional New Manor Garden Chinese takeaway of champions, so I thought today would be the perfect opportunity for cake. I have no idea what the decoration is about but as D said it looks like an alien rock - SCI-5!

Now it is done and iced I can get back to school work. Yesterday was actually jam-packed (hence my lack of blip) with work and planning and delivery of a new washing machine (the excitement never ends round here) and snapping myself out of a nasty funk. The sun is shining today though so feeling a little less under pressure and stressed but dreading having to run in the daylight... Folk can't see my beetroot red face at nighttime...

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