I was here

By mrandmrsmanning

Exploring Bantayan

Rented two motorbikes from the resort to zip off and explore Bantayan. Slathered in sunscreen, we zipped our way through helmet-less (no helmets available, no one was using them!) And immersed ourselves in island to-and-fro. We rode into a city up one of the main roads and along the way tapped at the motorbike's weak little air blast of a horn to let the pedal push taxis know we were coming through. My kickstand was down for a bit while driving and you heard "ma'am....MA'AM the stand! Your kickstand!" and we freaked out the owners when Dale appeared unfamiliar with driving a bike. After it all, we are old cards at this. We ended up at a church processional coming down the road with their Santo Nino savior of a Jesus baby doll and horns...this place is SO Catholic but so interesting to see. Next to the Catholic church was a cock fighting ring and the municipal jail...and a high-school and hospital. Very "cozy" community lol! We went to a bar called Moby Dick's tonight after failing to find a hidden French restaurant, but we did get experience on the mopeds at night. A Scotsman owns the Moby Dick place and we are seeing a lot more foreigners than we expected, most or all of them Northern European. Besides having random sunburns from not applying the cream diligently enough, we are 1 up with this island and ready for more tomorrow.

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