A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

Just Do It!

Bet hubby never thought he would have the wind taken out of his sails by a dog!
You know you have reached middle-age when all you exercise is caution.Our usual fitness regime consists of little more than twiddling our thumbs, wiggling our ears, raising our eyebrows or lifting our spirits.
Recently,we have been trying to follow a series of strenuous exercises in preparation for going away on holiday. They are helping convert fats, sugars, and starches into aches, pains, and cramps .
Each time we set to, the dogs decide to join us.This normally causes much consternation and hilarity.Today it seems Bella wanted to alter our workout.She apparently preferred to do a step up class.Poor Bill was taken completely by surprise and as you can see, was winded by the sheer weight of her.He immediately withdrew his statement from earlier in the day, when he suggested she needed to gain a few more pounds.
Had a selection of pics but this one certainly seemed to capture the moment.I like the way she is keeping a watchful eye on him to make sure he does it properly.Hope this is not what having a personal trainer means!Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going but Bella is the one to make exercise fun.
As the Nike advert says, 'Just do it!'

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