
By Naturelover

Up, Up and Awayyyyyyyyyyy

Is anyone tired of Mr. RBW yet? I'M NOT!! My new passion is trying for birds in flight, and today my beautiful birds were aflutter.

Last night we had a wonderful evening playing cards with old friends, and even though we had some trouble remembering all the intricacies of the play, we had a great time. I even ended up with the ladies jackpot...a whopping $6.00!!!!

It was a late night for us old timers, and this morning we both slept in until 9 a.m. which is unheard of in this house.

I borrowed an idea from our very talented fellow-blipper, Life's Little Moments, and put some juniper branches under my birdseed today. They all loved it, and I had a contender with RBW, a titmouse in flight and a cardinal, all in one shot.

But then, Superman appeared, grabbed a peanut, and showed off his beautiful belly color and the delicacy of his wings.

I am one happy camper.

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