Cosy girl

One of the real pleasures when we visit my mum is sitting at her coal fire. Rona as you can see just loves to lie on the fireside rug and snooze.

The coal fire is pivotal to my Mum's life. At 86 I believe it keeps her fit. She just loves to set it properly, put the coal on in a certain way, clean out the ashes and then clean up the grate. No one else dare touch it! I won't mention the various ways she has of getting it going if it does not light first time.

When our three went on their summer holidays they used to get toast made at the fire with the toasting fork . Nothing quite like it and even better if it was an outsider of bread!

I must admit I like the welcoming effect of a coal fire and sitting at it but now I am too used to hearing the click of the central heating coming on.

Hope you are all having a good weekend.

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