My Social Media Adventure

By DanieljSmythe

Shaxs Bday

So went out for shaxs bday last nite it was a laugh to see everyone from uni again I won't leave it that long again I promise.

I really enjoyed catching up with everyone and hearing how their getting on. The first surprise/change since last time was drysdale changing her hair :O.... Brunette, a big shock but it really suited her.

Was good seeing all the girls and brought back happy memories of 22 rockliffe rd. So the pic of the day is some statue that was in the club we went too last nite! I thought it made quite an eerie shot but still cool.

I also hope that the length of this blog is a little but better as on of my avid readers (you know who you are) complained that my posts were usually too short so I will try and write more going forward. But it is hard to find the time and topics to talk about.

Quote - You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. (Richard Branson)

Have a great week everybody.

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