stories and stories

8:30pm and catching up on some film history as told in Channel 4 documentary series.

Today has been really good.

And early start with the weeWeir, who promptly went in the bath once Mrs theWeir was in from nightshift.

Then breakfast and out to walk the dogs, onto KCC for a really fascinating morning service.

The weeWeir and I went off to Linlithgow for some food and a wander (and to feed the ducks the stale wholemeal bread they love).

Nice to bump into a family we knew and play at the park for a while before coldness took over and we headed to meet the new dog in the family. I'm sure I'll get an 8:30 of dizzy soon enough.

Home for dinner, reading, bedtime and now vegetation.


One of my favourite classes at school was the media studies module I did for three/six months in my sixth year at school.

It was as though it finally made sense. I could apply critical thinking to something I really enjoyed - films!

If I'd known about this kind of thing when younger, then maybe my strategic direction through school would have been different.

Actually, if Art and Music hadn't been in the same timetable section at school, that may have helped....

Anyway, it's been interesting to pick up some morsels of insight from this series. We're into the seventies now. And I'm about to be born.

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