What I See.


"But Why Is The Rum Gone?!"

Ten to midnight and I hadn't taken any pictures... Staring around my room I caught sight of this, a replica of the medallion from the first 'Pirates of the Caribbean' film. I thought I'd tell you about it.

A few years ago my friend Keara and I visited Disneyland, and spotted this in the shop by the POTC ride. This was near the end of the trip and we were both a little skint, so we pooled our assets in order to buy it. I found a little box to keep it safe, and now every time we meet up we pass the necklace between each other. A sort of time-share token of affection that reminds me of a really great day.

Anyway, I was excited to see it because on the 9th of February I will be able to hand it back to Keara when she lands in Cardiff for a few days. I haven't seen her in aaaaages - I'm SO excited!

Hope you all had a good weekend; can't believe how quickly its gone!

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