Seeing is believing

By hoover

Theo Martin Brown

The thought of being photographed hungover, without make up and with greasy, unbrushed hair would normally see me running for the hills. However there was something about holding the gorgeous baby Theo which made me go all Mother Earth and not care.

Theo Martin Brown is my friend Nicola's new baby. He was born premature after a very difficult pregnancy. Nicola is only two years older than me (nearly 32) and this is her third child. I don't know how she does it.

Am I broody after my time holding Theo? I admit to having a moment when I asked if I could take Theo home with me. It did feel very natural to hold him. A few years ago I did want a baby. Despite lots of fun trying, and a miscarriage, it didn't happen. If I had been 'with child' I certainly couldn't be living the fun life I do now.

I spent the afternoon with fellow blipper Emma sunbathing and drinking in the park. I really am very happy to be young(ish), free and single.

This all makes me realise that if I want to hear the pitter patter of tiny feet, I'll put tap dancing shoes on my dog Hoover!

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