Hector's House

By MisterPrime

Reflection: Sky

Bit weird today - went outside rather distractedly to try and catch the sun shining on the houses opposite (rubbish, suffice to say?) and came back with a few of these slightly odd reflection-sy things instead. Was then going to delete them but on second thoughts (and in the notable absence of anything else) I've decided I like them after all...

I was listening to Leonard Cohen's 'Various Positions' album at the time, which might account for both the dis- and abs- tractions. It's been on repeat for a day or two on my ipod and in my kitchen - in fact, I'm having something of a Leonard Cohen week (that's a bit like Kurt's "Leonard Cohen afterlife" but less intense - and shorter, obviously?!) Apparently, fact fans, the head of Columbia records in the US refused to release 'Various Positions' in 1984, telling Cohen, "look, Leonard, we all know you're great - we're just not sure you're any good!" Anyway, as these things go it's an album both great and good - just a little bit off the wall...

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