
By Jennifercw

The Monday Weekend

So I understand that for most people Monday is the start of the week but for me it has been a day off and so kind of like my weekend.

People are creatures of habit. We like to know that Monday to Friday we work and Saturday and Sunday we rest. We like to have breakfast at roughly the same time most mornings and of roughly the same content. We like to start and finish work at the same time and relax in the same way each week.

We like to know what is coming next. And although I take comfort in routine this confuses me.

Jesus was our example in how to live - and his routine was rubbish. He never did the same thing day after day. He often surprised us with what he said and did next and yet he lived the most fullest life I have ever heard of.

Mix your week up, add some surprises, see what happens..

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