Porty Girl!!!

By portyg

Trunk rows on the old trunk road?

Thought I'd blow the cobwebs away after a busy nightduty. I walked form the West End to Abbeyhill. I wanted to see the log piles which I noticed a fortnight ago. It was a typical dreich Sunday morning when all sensible/lucky people are having a long lie in their beds. I was amazed at the traffic- usually there is just an occasional bus, but after 9 there was cars, lots of people walking in the drizzle and a slight mist.

I had some shots of trunks which reminded me of soft liquorice sticks all tangled up, but went with this one for today.

The locals had been upset at some of the trees being felled, but one had fallen during a storm and the council decided to take some of the worst affected trees away for safety reasons. I think it looks a bit better now, as you can see through the trees and see people coming towards you.

I had great fun slipping and sliding in the mud, and managed not to fall flat on my face - Hurrah!!

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