
By pennipics

The very modern and the golden oldie!

The postman delivered the Rollie B this morning with the words 'its raining all day'
nice one thank-you for the information!
I had craved this little Rollie for many years I had one in the early 70's and loved it.
The model I had was the next one up in the range this being the cheapest and the most fiddly, did wonder whether I would ever get the back off this morning, unfortunately the 35mm film hasn't arrived yet ....and it will be fun loading that.
Even getting the back; back on was a nightmare but determination won out.
The Oly ZX-1 is classed as a small camera but the Rollie is smaller by a whisker.

Oh! its pouring outside but will have to venture out to get bread; all because Asda didn't have what I wanted yesterday...very inconvenient....
Cheers Penny.

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