Life through the lens...

By ValC

Red tulip.

Sometimes when you take a photo it comes out very different to what you see with your eyes!
This is just an ordinary red tulip with the petals turned back. but they are very shiny, and the flash seems to have reflected on them just where they are bent slightly.So you have this white pattern on them. I like the effect.

This brightens up what has been one of the most dismal days of the year!
Needed the lights on all day. Never stopped raining.
So did some baking and tidying up. Didn't get very far with the tidying!
Supposed to be getting rid of some old magazines, but I end up reading them!! The pile to keep seems to get bigger and the pile to throw away smaller. Especially ones with recipes in. I keep writing"try this". Don't know when I will have time to try them all!!!

Hope the weather improves for everyone tomorrow.

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