Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Bell ringing methods

This will be briefer now I have just lost a long entry. Why does blipfoto do that? The weather is awful but it is bell ringing practice tonight so here are some of the methods. English bells are hung on a full wheel unlike continental bells. This allows the bells to be controlled, slowed or speeded up fractionally to permit bells to change places with each other in the order. When the ringing of the bells is mastered (an important apprenticeship as bells can endanger both life and limb), a ringer tries to acquire 'rope sight', the ability to see one's own position among all those flying ropes. This can take months or years. Then the methods are learned so that changes can be rung at every stroke and, with certain calls of 'bob' or 'single', extended for long periods without the repetition of any 'change'. Simple. This is what creates the unmistakable sound of English church bell ringing. Enough now for my family will say I have tried your patience sufficiently already.

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