
@belfastcoffeeclub met this evening at the @blackbearcafe for nibbles, coffee and a chat. Twas great craic! (I hate that word) Beforehand, I was in town for a wander to grab a Blip of course. Constant drizzle meant that not much was forthcoming, but I was sorta pleased with these two shots.

I'm off to the King's Hall, Belfast tomorrow morning for a four hour lecture on why it is important not to drive at speed - no idea why they've invited me along! ;) I suppose the £86.50 fee and four hours of tedium is better that three penalty points and a £60 fine, though.

Here's that second shot: Natter. The lady on the left was a French Arab and had a lovely accent and a gorgeous smile (I'm attracted to dark haired women with French accents - so shoot me!)

It was shot through the window, so please excuse the myriad reflection distractions...

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