A dribbly morning....

...and a cold cloudy day. This is the remains of a dandelion head holding some of the drizzle from overnight.

Finished work for the week and feel pretty good about that. Doug is now doing the same three days as me and this is his second week - its really good to be able to pace the chores that always have to be done, instead of two days we now have four days. Not sure what the plans are for the coming days, I think it may rain tonight and tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for the input into the "fragrance free" debacle that we see ourselves in.....we had a very good discussion, and all are of the same opinion. We can only ask our members to be aware of this problem and refrain from using strong perfumes &/or deodorants but it is entirely up to the individual - a letter will be sent to all members and we will monitor the situation, it may be that this one person will have to make a choice - not attend or attend and leave when it becomes too much!!

Thanks also for putting my little forest of liverwort (thanks mollyblobs) up to 2nd spot in spotlight.


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