
When did we grow up? We used to think too hard and push too much and fear everything. Somehow we learned that it didn't help, didn't make things better, didn't tear down walls. Somewhere we set the box load of fear on a bench and forgot to take it with us when we finished our coffee as we got up to leave.

Do you remember when we tried to steer the ship toward the mountain peak, but there were 5 of them and they all looked the same? We tried to choose which one, but every question we asked brought the same reply....'that one'...so we just hoped for the best and kept steering, full steam ahead until someone corrected our course.

We thought about turning back and giving up, but we never did. We tried, instead, to figure out faith and the how's and the why's, and when we couldn't, we just kept starting again and we just grew. Faith became something we lived, no longer something we tried to do. Hope became something we accepted, no longer something we strove for.

I like you. I was always afraid you wouldn't like me, but you do. I like the grown up you every bit as much as I liked the little girl you, but I'm glad the little girl you still visits our conversations from time to time. I love it when we laugh at something totally silly and we're not afraid any more and we suddenly turn right when all along we thought we were going to turn left, then we talk to strangers and it doesn't matter if they like us because we like each other and that's enough.

It really doesn't matter when, any more, I'm just glad it happened, or happens, or will happen. See, just when I think it did, we get to do it again... be the little girls we were long ago, and grow up all over again...together.

I'm glad you just wanted to sit on the bench and look, and watch and enjoy the view. I liked being little girls again, only grown up now together, watching strangers, sitting on a bench, drinking coffee.

I'm glad we're sisters...and I'm glad you're glad too. It really doesn't matter when...or if...or anything. I'm just glad.

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