And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

A touch of colour!

Hello again,

hope everyone is good im not too good, had a nice walk this morning with my support worker who has been working with me a few years getting me out and about, she is a god send :) I keep thinking when more government cuts come in to place I wont be able to see her :( and it scares me to death. Im at my most relaxed in the country side its so peaceful just the sound of birdsong all around, well apart from the land rover that sped up the lane beeping his horn we were taken aback but the next minute we saw the sheep running down the hill for there breakfast! clever sheep :) I did get a pic of the sheep but i liked this one I also got a few pics of ash sleeping on the sofa wrapped up in his newly acquired blanket :) very very cute but as i went out an out door blip is the order of the day. Im off to a friends tonight for some drinks and laughs.

love c xxx

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