Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

A good day

We had a good day today, despite me having a cold and tickly cough which kept waking me up, and Henry kept waking up crying - I think it's his teeth because it stopped after I gave him some nurofen. The bottom left one is about to break through the gum - I'm hoping it's not going to take much longer!

We went to buggyfit which I really enjoyed but Henry isn't a big fan. He fell asleep to start with but got woken up by the bumpy ride and cried for most of the rest of the class. Not a hungry, in pain or unhappy cry, just a general "I want you to pick me up now" whinge. He does the same in the car, I had hoped the new rear-facing carseat would help as he's higher up so can see out of the window but he still shouts at me!

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